Pham Xuan Da
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., Dr.
Assoc. Prof., Ph.D., Dr. Pham Xuan Da (also known as Phuc Dinh) graduated as a general practitioner from Hanoi Medical University and graduated with a doctorate in medicine in Japan on applying molecular biology techniques in disease transmission diagnosis (1995-2000) & studied Assoc. Prof. in Korea in regenerative medicine (stem cells).
He is currently the General Director of the Southern Company of the Ministry of Science and Technology (since 2016) after many years of holding the positions: Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Health, Director of the National Institute for Food Control – Ministry of Health (2009-2016). In addition, he also held different positions in the health system: Head of Department of Medical University Pham Ngoc Thach; member of Medication and Food Council – Central-level Senior Officials Healthcare Service; Consultant for ISO, HACCP, GMP quality management systems for laboratories and hospitals.
Assoc. Prof. Da used to be the secretary of the Leaders of the Ministry of Health, Director of the National Institute for Food Control, a nationwide unit in charge of checking the quality of products, food, water, environment, functional foods, additives, etc.