For each age stage, the annual physical examination will help detect early symptoms to assess the health situation at a particular time accurately. Currently, most health facilities provide many different health checkup packages depending on the individual purposes of customers. Therefore, choosing the correct category for testing is an essential factor that customers need to consider.

The list of examinations is usually selected based on age, occupation, gender, lifestyle, medical history. AHI will advise on an appropriate package to help customers save costs but still evaluate your health status accurately. Suppose the customer has dangerous diseases such as hypertension (high blood pressure), cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, hepatitis, cancer, AHI will provide in-depth testing packages to specify the disease status, provide timely and appropriate prevention and treatment methods.

Customers should have health checkups annually to comprehensively review their health and prepare for plans.

The importance of having health checkups 

  • Early diagnosis of diseases at the onset stage, especially common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, parasites.
  • Provide timely treatment regimens, more effective treatment opportunities, shorten healing time and prevent dangerous complications
  • Monitor, detect, and eliminate potential risk factors for disease
  • Improve your quality of life, feel more secure with your health
No. Service name Male Femail
1 Complete blood count X X
2 ABO blood group type test X X
3 Urea (Blood) X X
4 Creatinine (Blood) X X
5 Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) X X
6 AST (GOT) (Blood) X X
7 ALT (GPT) (Blood) X X
8 GGT/Gamma Glutamyl Transferase X X
9 Direct Bilirubin (Blood) X X
10 Indirect Bilirubin (Blood) X X
11 Total Bilirubin (Blood) X X
12 Calcium (Blood) X X
13 Glucose (Blood) X X
14 Hb A1C/Hemoglobin A1c (Blood) X X
15 Uric acid (Blood) X X
16 Triglyceride (Blood) X X
17 Cholesterol (Blood) X X
18 HDL.C /High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol X X
19 LDL.C /Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol X X
20 VLDL – Cholesterol (Blood) X X
21 Total Protein (Blood) X X
22 Albumin (Blood) X X
23 Globulin (Blood) X X
24 Fe/Ion (Blood) X X
25 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg) (Blood) X X
26 Hepatitis B antibody (Anti HBs) (Blood) X X
27 Hepatitis C antibody (Anti HCV) (Blood) X X
28 Toxocara canis IgG (Blood) X X
29 Toxoplasma gondii (Blood) X X
30 FT3 /Free Triiodothyronine (Blood) X X
31 FT4 /Free Thyroxine (Blood) X X
32 TSH /Thyroid-Stimulating Hormon (Blood) X X
33 Total urinalysis 10 parameters X X

This Package including cancer screening test to detect cancer early

No. Service Name Male Female
1 Complete blood count X X
2 ABO blood group type test X X
3 Urea (Blood) X X
4 Creatinine (Blood) X X
5 Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) X X
6 AST (GOT) (Blood) X X
7 ALT (GPT) (Blood) X X
8 GGT/Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (Blood) X X
9 Direct Bilirubin (Blood) X X
10 Indirect Bilirubin (Blood) X X
11 Total Bilirubin (Blood) X X
12 Calcium (Blood) X X
13 Glucose (Blood) X X
14 Hb A1C/Hemoglobin A1c (Blood) X X
15 Uric acid (Blood) X X
16 Triglyceride (Blood) X X
17 Cholesterol (Blood) X X
18 HDL.C / High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol X X
19 LDL.C / Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol X X
20 VLDL – Cholesterol (Blood) X X
21 Total Protein (Blood) X X
22 Albumin (Blood) X X
23 Globulin (Blood) X X
24 Fe/Ion (Blood) X X
25 Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg) (Blood) X X
26 Hepatitis B antibody (Anti HBs) (Blood) X X
27 Hepatitis C antibody (Anti HCV) (Blood) X X
28 FT3 / Free Triiodothyronine (Blood) X X
29 FT4/ Free Thyroxine (Blood) X X
30 TSH/ Thyroid-Stimulating Hormon (Blood) X X
31 Toxocara canis IgG (Blood) X X
32 Toxoplasma gondii (Blood) X X
33 Helicobacter pylori IgG (Blood) X X
34 Helicobacter pylori IgM (Blood) X X
35 CEA (carcinoembryonic antigen) (Blood) X X
36 CA 19.9 (Carbohydrate antigen 19-9) (Blood) X X
37 CA 72.4 (cancer antigen 72-4) (Blood) X X
38 ĐAFP/ Alpha – FetoProtein (Blood) X X
39 PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) (Blood) X  
40 PSA.F/ Free Prostate Specific Antigen (Blood) X  
41 CA 15-3 (cancer antigen 15-3) (Blood)   X
42 CA 12.5 (cancer antigen 12.5) (Blood)   X
43 Cyfra 21.1 (Blood) X X
44 Total urinalysis 10 parameters X X